Diverse experience with residential development allows us to provide advice from assessing development potential, preparing development applications, planning statements and reports. The type of development can range from home extensions to multiple residential dwellings with each site presenting its own opportunities and challenges. We will work cost effectively with you to work out a solution that meets your needs while satisfying the requirements of the specific Council’s Development Plan.
The new Residential Code introduced by the State Government in 2009 means there are now a greater number of development proposals that are either exempt or complying. Exempt development does not require development assessment or approval while some development may require building consent only. Alternatively limited assessment is possible if one or two measurable performance criteria are not complied with. Our expertise will allow you to establish with minimal fuss whether your development is complying, merit assessment or non-complying so that we can work effectively with the respective Council to achieve the desired outcome.
Commercial development applications can vary greatly in complexity our experience has seen a wide variety of such projects completed successfully with minimal stress.
Local Government Planners, other consultants and building certifiers have a diverse variety of site, building, traffic, landscaping and car parking requirements. Whether it is a change of land use, constructing a new building or a more substantial development our services will assist you to meet the host of requirements that need to be satisfied.
Industrial changes of land use and or new development can present their own particular challenges. Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important in industrial development assessment issues such as the:-
- storage, treatment and disposal of waste
- noise and vibration levels
- discharge and storage of stormwater
- fumes, grit, vapour, soot, ash and dust
- fuel burning and the rate of heat release
- discharge of liquids or other substances
- power usage
- traffic generation
These are just some of the matters that can be significant in assessing industrial development.
Consultancy Project Summary
I established my planning consultancy firm Advantage Planning Services in April 2006. The following is a summary of the more significant consulting projects I have worked on
Involvement in planning appeals in the Environment Resources and Development Court (ERD Court)
- ERD Court Trial for medium density housing in Adelaide CBD laneway
- Settlement out of Court in Barossa Valley following expert statement
- Military Road retaining wall dispute resolved at conference
- CBD Gym Section 84 settled amicably
- Ashleigh Avenue, Felixstow development of two detached, two storey dwellings on vacant land by Madison Homes Building Co. Pty Ltd and subsequent appeal to the ERD Court
- South Road redevelopment of the Hilton Hotel and lodgement of appeal with the ERD Court for Hilton Hotel car park and bottle shop
- Park Fast (Aust) Pty Ltd v Minister for Government Enterprises management plan for the operation of the Ayres House, North Terrace ancillary car park
- Park Fast (Australia) Pty Ltd numerous compulsory conferences in relation to the operation of car parks in both North Adelaide and the Adelaide Central Business District
- Tilbrook Crescent, South Brighton Appeal concerning the development of a new dwelling
- Range Road, Basket Range Appeal concerning Section 84 (Enforcement Notice)
- The Esplanade Christies Beach renovation and extension of existing dwelling
- Arthur Street, Seacliff Park Appeal construction of a new dwelling
Planning Reports and Non-complying Statements
- Pulteney Street, Adelaide refurbishment of an existing showroom for use as offices
- Fullarton Road, Dulwich conversion of the first floor of an existing office to consulting rooms
- Greenhill Road, Glenunga to change the use of and refurbishment a showroom and office for use as consulting rooms and naturopathy clinic
- Charles Street, Norwood a report concerning the demolish an existing dwelling in a Historic Conservation Zone to erect a new two storey detached
- Paisley Street, Wingfield establish an industrial metal foundry
- First Street, Brompton warehouse to auction warehouse
- Pulteney/ Flinders Street Corner – Heaven Night Club
- Palmerston Road, Unley construct a two storey extension at the rear of an existing dwelling
- Then add in above Teringie Drive Consulting Rooms approved residential zone Collinswood
- Veterinary Clinic at Golden Grove
- Teringie Drive, Teringie extensive excavation
Development Applications advocacy
- O’Brien Auto Glass new premises at both South Road, Keswick and Salisbury Plains
- House changes use to Consulting Rooms on North East Road
- New Woodworking School on Victoria Drive at Parafield Gardens
- Middle Eastern food for sale on West Terrace in the City
- West Thebarton gets a Gin Distillery and tasting area
- New Vet Clinic on North East Road at Golden Grove
- New free standing digital sign on Henley Beach Road
- Cidery approved Swamp Road, Lenswood amongst existing Apple Orchard
- Doggy Day Care approved for 50 dogs in old factory at Bowden
- Sleep Apnoea Clinic on South Road at Clovelly Park
- Film Studio set organised Crozier Street, Port Adelaide
- Crash Repairers and car sale yard approved Main North Road, Gepps Cross
- New 24/7 Gymnasiums approved at both Elizabeth West and Morphett Vale
- Home Activity includes distilling Gin at Goodwood
- Dog Day Care Park established at Sawpit Gully, Road Mt Barker
- Retrospective approval for Office on West Beach Road
- New House on stilts sited on the edge of the River Murray at Morgan
- Demolition approved for house on Wattle Street fullarton to make way for larger landscaped garden
- Five new town houses approved on Brighton Road, Hove
Representations and Appearance at Council Assessment Panels
- 42 Cheltenham Street Highgate impacted by proposed Concordia College Gymnasium
- Representor overlooked and overshadowed by neighbours proposed new house at Cedar Avenue
- Respond to representations concerning three townhouses proposed at Ferris Street, Magill
- Stephens Terrace at Walkerville problems with new extension overshadowing the neighbour
- Overtaking overshadowing by Child Care Center at Morphett
Planning Appeals and Legal Matters
- James Street Property Trust v City of Mount Gambier
- Heseltine v Light Regional Council
- Domenico Allegretto v The Corporation of the City of Adelaide
- Ruediger Weise v Alexandrina Council
- Parkfast v The Corporation of the City of Adelaide
- Pinako Pty Ltd & Ambito Pty Ltd v Adelaide City Council
- Mala Pty Ltd v Adelaide City Council
- Carl Jaeschke v District Council of Franklin Harbour