I have been Director of Advantage Planning Services a town planning consulting business for over six years. Prior to that I worked in numerous capacities as a Senior Planner and Project Manager for more than 20 years, with a variety of organizations. Predominantly I have been involved in development assessment, strategic and policy planning, assessment of property development potential, project management and court work in the Environment, Resources and Development Court (ERD Court). I am a Certified Practicing Planner (CPP) and a member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA).
For many years now I have successfully advocated for clients in facilitating Development Applications through respective Council’s (Local Government areas). These development applications vary from preparing application forms, land divisions, changes of land use, preparing planning reports, planning statements and negotiating with Councils and neighbours for all types of development from complying to on merit and non-complying development applications. I am very familiar with conducting planning appeals, providing expert evidence and dealing with enforcement notices in the ERD Court.
I also have many years of experience in strategic planning, preparation of Development Applications, Plan Amendment Reports and undertaking site assessments and pre-purchase reports and evaluations. I have been involved in the preparation of Environment Impact Statements and Master Plans for significant sites.
I have undertaken a wide variety of complex planning work since 1980 including strategic planning, project management, policy development and Development Plan reviews. For the last six years I have operated my own successful planning consultancy business Advantage Planning Services.
The following is a summary of my qualifications, selected list of planning consultancy experience and employment history: -
Professional Qualifications
- Diploma in Technology in Planning South Australian Institute of Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Regional and Urban Planning University of South Australia
- Graduate Diploma in Property Development University of South Australia
- Corporate member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA)
- Certified Practising Planner (CPP)
- South Australian Cricket Association
Consultancy Project Summary
I established my planning consultancy firm Advantage Planning Services in April 2006.
The following is a summary of the more significant consulting projects I have work on : -
- Involvement in planning appeals in the Environment Resources and Development Court (ERD Court)
- Ashleigh Avenue, Felixstow development of two detached, two storey dwellings on vacant land by Madison Homes Building Co. Pty Ltd and subsequent appeal to the ERD Court
- South Road redevelopment of the Hilton Hotel and lodgement of appeal with the ERD Court for Hilton Hotel car park and bottle shop
- James Street Property Trust v City of Mount Gambier
- Park Fast (Aust) Pty Ltd v Minister for Government Enterprises management plan for the operation of the Ayres House, North Terrace ancillary car park
- Pinako Pty Ltd and Ambito Pty Ltd v Adelaide City Council
- Park Fast (Australia) Pty Ltd numerous compulsory conferences in relation to the operation of car parks in both North Adelaide and the Adelaide Central Business District
- Tilbrook Crescent, South Brighton Appeal concerning the development of a new dwelling
- Range Road, Basket Range Appeal concerning Section 84 (Enforcement Notice)
- Ruediger Weiss v Alexandrina Council
- The Esplanade Christies Beach renovation and extension of existing dwelling compulsory conference
- Arthur Street, Seacliff Park Appeal construction of a new dwelling
- Mala Pty Ltd v Adelaide City Council
- Grote Street ancillary car parking compulsory conference
- Non-complying Statements; Statements of Intent and Planning Statements
- Pulteney Street, Adelaide refurbishment of an existing showroom for use as offices
- Fullarton Road, Dulwich conversion of the first floor of an existing office to consulting rooms
- Greenhill Road, Glenunga to change the use of and refurbishment a showroom and office for use as consulting rooms and naturopathy clinic
- Charles Street, Norwood a report supporting the demolishion of an existing dwelling in a Historic Conservation Zone to erect a new two storey detached
- Paisley Street, Wingfield establish an industrial metal foundry
- First Street, Brompton warehouse to auction warehouse
- Pulteney/ Flinders Street Corner – Heaven Night Club
- Palmerston Road, Unley construct a two storey extension at the rear of an existing dwelling
- Teringie Drive, Teringie extensive excavation for new outbuilding
- Bishop Street, Skye dwelling in Hills Face Zone
- Gorge Road, Bellevue Heights dwelling in Hills Face Zone
- Kangarilla Road, Kangarilla dwelling in High Bushfire Risk
- Heritage Plan Amendment Reports
- Objection to the Contributory listing of 34 Myall Avenue, Kensington Gardens
- Objection to the Local Heritage listing of 19-21 Ilford Street, Vale Park
- Advocacy for Representors
- Burton Road, Beaumont overlooking by two new houses
- Lot 200 Lake Terrace West, Mount Gambier amendments to redevelopment of former hospital as new dwellings
- Willowbridge Grove, Stonyfell alteration and additions to an existing dwelling
- South Road, Mile End construction of an office and basement car park
- Compton Street, Adelaide neighbor conflict
- Site Assessments and/or Feasibility Studies
- Hindley Street, Adelaide for possible purchase and redevelopment
- ‘Four Oaks Farm’ Downing Road, Mt Barker for construction of a second dwelling
- Goodwood Road, Clarence Park establishment of consulting rooms
- Park Terrace, Salisbury possible establishment of a Restaurant
- West Terrace Adelaide –Subaru Showroom and Service Centre
- Moore Street, Adelaide redevelopment of existing buildings used as a parking station
- Tynte Street, North Adelaide Temperance Hall site assessment and planning report for St John Ambulance Australia SA
- Richard Road, Findon subdivision of one allotment into two allotments
- ‘The Brae’ Dawesley feasibility of constructing an additional dwelling on existing property
- Wattle Road, Sandergrove subdivision potential
- Francis Street, Peterhead redevelopment and subdivision potential
- Subdivision Design
- Corner of Sudholz and Lyon Roads, Windsor Gardens possible subdivision
- Garema Court, Morphett Vale division of one allotment into 5 allotments
- Hedgedale Pty Ltd approval for a 25 allotment subdivision Part Section 77, Brookside Road, Darlington
- Longwood Road, Stirling assessment for sub-division
- Eliza Place, Panorama assessment for subdivision into two allotments
- Clement Street, Plympton Park subdivision into two allotments
- Flinders Street, Kent Town assessment of the property for sub-division
Employment History
- Capital City Committee 1999 – 2002
For over two years I was Project Manager with the Capital City Committee, which promotes joint strategies and projects in the City of Adelaide. The City of Adelaide Act established the Capital City Committee and Capital City Project Team in 1998 to formalise cooperation between the State Government and Adelaide City Council to promote development in the City of Adelaide.
I project managed significant major initiatives during this time, three of these are as follows:
- I established the ‘City Centre Asset Strategy – Working Group’ (comprising senior State Government and Adelaide Council officers) in 1999 to identify underutilised government land in the city and consider the sale and or redevelopment of sites. The sites identified, mostly Council owned were strategically assessed and urban design guidelines jointly prepared in association with the State Government. Most of the identified sites were sold and have subsequently been redeveloped.
- Encouraged the development of student and affordable housing in the city. Providing accommodation for overseas students was not seen as economically viable at the time. A survey jointly commissioned by the Capital City Project Team and University of South Australia in July 2000 established there was a demand for overseas student’s accommodation. This analysis influenced senior management at University SA to take an interest in student housing, previously not considered ‘core business’. Developers initially proceeded with development of “Uni House” in Pulteney Street, Adelaide once demand had been established.
- I also put considerable effort into the objective of establishing ‘green’/sustainable buildings in the city. I created a directory (access data base) of green environmentally sustainable building elements that had then been completed across Metropolitan Adelaide. I also established a working group interested in energy efficiency audits of existing office buildings and the development of new ‘green’ office buildings in the City of Adelaide.
- Corporation of the City of Adelaide 1987 - 1998
At the Adelaide City Council I worked in a variety of senior roles in development assessment, strategic planning, plan review and strategic initiatives.
- I was responsible for development assessment in the western half of the City in the late 1980’s during which time commercial development was booming in the city. Successful negotiations in development assessment achieved design modifications to enhance the quality of many developments. Two significant developments I was particularly involved with were the University of South Australia – Campus West and the Radisson Playford Hotel both located on North Terrace.
- I was extensively involved in a review of the Adelaide (City) Development Plan. The general strategy of the review was to facilitate development where possible, particularly a variety of residential development while maintaining the necessary control over the quality of proposed development and its possible impacts on adjacent properties.
- I also coordinated a new strategic initiative of Council’s to assist land owners consider redevelopment or improvement of vacant or underutilised sites. Following South Australians economic doldrums and subsequent development down turn in the city from the early 1990’s many unsightly blocks of vacant land were dotted around the city. A number of property owners were encouraged to improve their sites. In some cases I commissioned local artists to undertake art works on boundary walls visible to the public like the one located on the northwest corner of King William and Gilbert Streets in the City of Adelaide.
City of Kensington and Norwood 1986 -1987 and again in 1995
In early 1986 I commenced employment with the Kensington and Norwood Council for nearly two years. I was responsible for undertaking the bulk of the everyday development assessment function while other more senior staff worked preparing the then Supplementary Development Plan.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to return to the Kensington and Norwood Council in the last half of 1995 on secondment to coordinate the development assessment function in the Planning Department. This was an excellent opportunity to review the effectiveness of the endorsed Development Plan that had been in its infancy ten years earlier.
South Australian Housing Trust (1985-1986)
In 1985 I commenced employment with the Housing Trust as an Urban Planner for approximately 18 months. This position primarily involved working in a multi-disciplinary team of Surveyors, Architects, Engineers and Planners to develop housing schemes and land divisions. It was necessary to submit proposals to the SA Housing Trust Board to gain endorsement and the necessary allocation of funding for each project. I was involved in a number of ‘green fields’ subdivision designs mainly in Adelaide’s northern suburbs. It was then the responsibility of the nominated Planner to make contact with the appropriate Council Officers and obtain the necessary support for the project.
It was Housing Trust policy at the time, to obtain Council support for ‘infill’ development which was achieved primarily by subdividing existing housing stock on large allotments into two or more allotments. This was not readily accepted by all Metropolitan Council’s at the time and in many cases required extensive negotiations.
- South Australian Department of Transport (1980-1985)
I commenced employment with the Department of Transport as a Graduate Officer working on the Northeast Busway Project Team in 1980. This project involved the construction of a two-way concrete (O-Bahn) track, for 21 kilometres from the edge of the City of Adelaide. Initially I was employed to deal with public enquires and public relations matters such as organising displays, preparing information brochures and speeches, organising functions and addressing service clubs.
My role with the project team grew substantially over time to include assisting in the preparation of an Addendum Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), involvement in compulsory land acquisition negotiations, producing promotional material and the supervision of landscape maintenance contractors along the transport corridor. An important function was attending management meetings to articulate the concerns of residents adjacent the O-Bahn track, recommending and coordinating remedial action.
4.0 Reports and Publications
- The Environmental Impact Statement for the Department of Transport – O-Bahn Northeast Busway, September 1982
- Adelaide City Council – Opportunity Sites Strategic Initiative, 1997
- Non-Conforming and Incompatible Land Uses (revised) – City of Adelaide, October 1998
- City Asset Strategy – City of Adelaide, August 1999
- International Student Accommodation Survey – University of South Australia and Capital City Committee, July 2000
- Master Plan participation for Lincoln College
- Non-complying reports for numerous developments
- Expert Evidence at numerous ERD Court trials

Simon Grose ( PIA, CPP )
Advantage Planning Services
February 2014