New Apartment Buildings

The Planning and Design Code when introduced in 2021 changed the Planning System irrevocably. A major change has been the construction of apartment buildings within the Adelaide CBD and out along main transport corridors such as Prospect Road, Port Road and Unley Road, to name a few. There are a lot more apartment buildings within the CBD in the Capital City Zone (CCZ) where height limits have been greatly increased. There have also been new apartments constructed in North Adelaide and others are presently being constructed on OConnell Street which are not in the CCZ. Similar to North Adelaide the apartments being constructed along major transport routes are not as high as in the CBD because lower height limits apply. Also, other design criteria such as overlooking and overshadowing of…
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Some observations regarding steeply sloping sites

Often steeply sloping sites can have aesthetic appeal being located on lofty sites with panoramic views. However there are often drawbacks with such sites some fairly obvious but others less so. Obvious draw backs are design construction issues like: Split level designs Extensive internal staircases Extensive retaining walls. Additional footings/ piers to ensure soil stability and no slippage Additional engineering and construction costs Drainage complications Access difficulties to steep sites for equipment and storage Cantilevered structures These issues are all fairly obvious when compared to relatively flat sites and the additional costs can be substantial. What is often less immediately apparent are  planning issues and neighbour concerns. Split levels and cantilevered designs can mean that the upper levels can be higher than neighbouring properties and create concern regarded scale and…
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The year 2021

COVID has disrupted many things in our lives over the last couple of years like where we work, education systems, how we interact and what we can and cannot do. To further complicate things a new Planning system was introduced in South Australia in March 2021. This has also changed how development applications are lodged and who they are lodged with. The Planning Legislation has also changed and the Planning and Design Code introduced so notification and referral processes are now different. A lot more proposals can now be privately assessed by private consultants or delegated individuals. Significant DAs assessed and approved under the new Planning System by Advantage Planning Services in 2021 Doggy Day Care Park approved in the Adelaide Hills and another one within a warehouse in Bowden.…
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Non-complying development is development that is “not considered appropriate” within a particular zone as specified by the respective Council’s Development Plan. Because it is not considered generally appropriate it is classified a Category 3 development to which extra development assessment process is applied as required by the Development Act and Regulations. (more…)
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Derelict Heritage in St Peters

I was commissioned to advice on what could be done with a Bluestone fronted Villa, part of a deceased estate in St Peters. An initial inspection confirmed the poor condition of the house that had been vacant for more than 5 years. Mature trees located close to the house and a leaking roof had caused substantial damage to the house with extensive cracking, collapsed ceilings and rotten flooring making the house very unattractive. (more…)
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Is planning approval necessary? This is not always obvious or clear cut we know how to establish this and interact with the respective Local Council effectively.

Given the complexity of the proposal it can be difficult and time consuming to assess the appropriate level of information required to support the proposal. Advantage Planning Services can assess the supporting information required and call on a range of supporting services. We have a strong network of trusted consultants to provide the required solutions:- Architects and Designers Engineers Building Surveyors Land Brokers Land Surveyors Environmental Specialists Energy Efficiency experts Acoustic and noise specialists Fire Services Disabled Access
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Trees and the Law

When the Development Act was amended over a decade ago to introduce protection for significant and regulated trees the original legislation was fairly inflexible. A tree was a regulated tree with a truck circumference of 2.0 metres or more. In the case of trees with multiple trucks of 625 mm or more totalling 2.0 metres its removal is considered development and required development approval. Or a significant tree is specifically listed in the respective Council Development Plan or has an even greater circumference than a registered tree. If a tree was classified as a significant or regulated tree, local council approval was required before substantial pruning or removal. Failure to obtain approval can attract a fine of up to $120,000.  The original controls were restrictive, exemptions few and approval difficult…
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A liquor license sought for Unley Park Bakery

A Baker that has operated a Bakery on Unley Road since 2010 providing an extensive range of breads, pastries and other baked products wanted to diversify. The premises was classified as Bakery and Café but wanted to extend its trading hours and be able to serve a selection of alcoholic beverages. This was classified as a change of use to Bakery/Café/Restaurant by Council in 2017 because although the subject bakery is located on busy Unley Road this area is zoned residential (Residential RB 300 Zone). When the original proposal was approved by Council in 2009 there was some objections to establishing a Bakery and Cafe from some nearby residents. Because the change of use included a Restaurant in a residential zone the use was classified as non-complying again requiring extensive…
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Digital Signage and Advertising

It is nothing new having large signs advertising a product on the blank walls of buildings. This “Peapes” clothing sign in George Street, Sydney would be something like 100 years old In close proximity to this very old sign is an equally large new sign I find these signs visually more attractive than a blank expanse of wall. Given the technological age we live in the new signs for blank walls are usually digital and change message every 60 seconds or so. Provided the sign is framed by the structure behind and does not project over the top or out to the side of the building I believe they add interest and do not detract from the visual environment. This Nova sign on the side of a building suits it…
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Contributory Items

In the older suburbs of Adelaide besides individually listed State and Local Heritage items there are also Contributory Items sited in Historic Conservation Areas. These items usually buildings can also encompass land, structures and landscaping. Generally with respect to buildings they do not necessarily warrant individual heritage listing but are considered to contribute to the general streetscape. Conversely Councils have also listed non-contributory items that detract from their streetscape and their redevelopment is therefore encouraged. As a general rule contributory items can be redeveloped with rear extension and/or a second storey (possibly within the roof space). However the redevelopment needs to be undertaken in such a way as not to detract from the appearance of the building from the street. Therefore design elements become relevant such as:- Complementary roof pitch Scale…
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