How beautiful is it up along the lazy River Murray mist hanging over the water on cold mornings.The big red river gums along the banks with plentiful bird life why wouldn’t you want a shack on the river bank and go fishing or water skiing.

Provided you are within an area designated for shack settlement there is no problem building a new shack. Although most people now building sizable holiday homes. However it is quite likely the building will be within the flood plain. They still talk of the huge 1956 flood and there have been others since when the lazy river swells to as torrent and breaksits banks and floods the surrounding area.

It is because of this flooding potential that the planning and development requirements are understandable onerous and dwellings generally have their living areas at first floor level. At ground level there are strict requirements that discourage retaining walls, built structure (masonry), and require minimal first floor clearances above natural ground level. The general intension of these restrictions is when there is a flood there are minimal obstructions to impede the flood water flowing freely below the dwelling.

If there are boats storage areas or wet areas under the dwelling then these are generally light weight and clad in removable panels that can wash away in a flood if necessary without taking the whole house with it.

Most ‘shacks’ houses have first floor living areas and minimal structures underneath

The Council’s Development Plans restrict the amount of cut and fill of the natural ground level.

There are also restrictions on underfloor clearances, how much can be constructed beneath a house and what materials and finishes can be used. The native vegetation needs to be retained and stormwater controlled and retained in rainwater tanks for personal uses and fighting bushfires. Thesetback of dwellings from the river needs to be sufficient not to disturb the river bank and be too visually intrusive from the river. The elevated dwellings also have the advantage of being well ventilated generally with wide verandahs ideal for our hot summers.

So although there can be additional planning restrictions to building a house along the river the eventual rewards are obviously worth the extra design restrictions and effort.