Often steeply sloping sites can have aesthetic appeal being located on lofty sites with panoramic views. However there are often drawbacks with such sites some fairly obvious but others less so.
Obvious draw backs are design construction issues like:
- Split level designs
- Extensive internal staircases
- Extensive retaining walls.
- Additional footings/ piers to ensure soil stability and no slippage
- Additional engineering and construction costs
- Drainage complications
- Access difficulties to steep sites for equipment and storage
- Cantilevered structures
These issues are all fairly obvious when compared to relatively flat sites and the additional costs can be substantial.
What is often less immediately apparent are planning issues and neighbour concerns.
Split levels and cantilevered designs can mean that the upper levels can be higher than neighbouring properties and create concern regarded scale and massing visually as the structures can be visually overbearing.
This elevated height can also mean that depending on orientation overshadowing of nearby structures can be a problem. Particularly if located on the northern side resulting in substantial overshadowing and loss of winter sunlight to north facing windows and private open space areas. The Planning and Design Code stipulates minimum standards that need to be maintained and compromises in design will probably be necessary.
Similarly with overlooking into living areas and/or private open space areas design modification to window , door, balconies and deck areas may be necessary. Other modification could also be considered necessary i.e. like sight screens, wing walls, high level window sills, opaque glass and other changes. To ensure the residential amenity of nearby properties is maintained.
I have been involved in all these issues over many years, solutions are always possible, but in many cases come at considerable extra cost.