State and Local Heritage Places are still individually identified as was the case with the previous Development Act 1993 and respective Council Development Plans. The main difference with the new Planning and Design Code is the creation of Historic Area Overlays.
No longer are individual Contributory and/or Non-Contributory items identified within the Historic Area Overlays. There is now only reference to Representative Buildings that display attributes of a Historic Area as listed in the respective Historic Area Statement. This includes reference to matters such as architectural style, detailing, built form features, and building height.
The respective Historic Area Statement nor Heritage Area Overlay makes specific mention of representative buildings nor buildings that contribute or detract (non-contributory) to the area streetscape mislead, there are general statements as follows:
Buildings and structures, or features thereof that demonstrated characteristics as expressed in the Historic Area Statement are not demolished, unless:
- The front elevation has been substantially altered and cannot be reasonable restored in a manner consistent with the buildings original style
- The structural integrity of the safe condition of the original building is beyond reasonable repair.
Because the properties are not specifically listed there assessment needs to be undertaken on a case by case basis and the following prepared:
(1) A report/information describing the changes or alterations that have been made to the front elevation of the building over time and a schedule of work necessary to re-establish the appearance and features consistent with the buildings original style (cost estimates may be required)
(2)A structural engineers report describing the structural integrity and condition of the original building and, if structural integrity or safe condition is deficient or compromised, an itemized list of remedial works is required with associated costs.
This is a departure from the previous listing of contributory items and/or non-contributory items that were specifically identified as contributing to the streetscape.
The status of representative buildings I believe is not as clear-cut and more open to subjective interpretation. But it will remain to be seen if these changes are for the better or not. Currently, I am involved in the assessment of the possible demolition of a number of such buildings with or without replacement.